Anatomical Deviations

I've written about learning the rules and breaking them before - Today, I just wanted to share with you how I address human anatomy. Admittedly, I wouldn't be able to draw or paint a human if I didn't do it the way I do, and if you think you're having troubles painting humans, maybe you're …

Art as Therapy (part two) – When Painting Leads to Meltdown and Other, More Important Things

To begin, I have to say finishing this one was quite difficult, as was starting it, and writing it, and I realized that's because i hadn't really sorted my own feelings on the subject. I mean, like, how can you write when you don't know what to write? How can you feel when you don't …

Art As Therapy (part one) – When Things are Good.

At times, when I write or speak of art, I speak as critic/historian, other times, I speak as a viewer or fan, and other times I speak as an artist - this is one of those times I speak as an artist. Doing so, I risk revealing some very personal things and even a paradoxic …

The Disturbing Impossibilities and Terrifying Truths of Water and How it Can be Painted.

Originally, when asked to write a feature on water for Tubes Art Journal, I was hesitant and only a fart away from saying no. One might wonder why, especially if they know me, I'd be so determined not to address such an issue. After all, water has been a huge part of my life for …