Anatomical Deviations

I've written about learning the rules and breaking them before - Today, I just wanted to share with you how I address human anatomy. Admittedly, I wouldn't be able to draw or paint a human if I didn't do it the way I do, and if you think you're having troubles painting humans, maybe you're …

Art as Therapy (part two) – When Painting Leads to Meltdown and Other, More Important Things

To begin, I have to say finishing this one was quite difficult, as was starting it, and writing it, and I realized that's because i hadn't really sorted my own feelings on the subject. I mean, like, how can you write when you don't know what to write? How can you feel when you don't …

The Disturbing Impossibilities and Terrifying Truths of Water and How it Can be Painted.

Originally, when asked to write a feature on water for Tubes Art Journal, I was hesitant and only a fart away from saying no. One might wonder why, especially if they know me, I'd be so determined not to address such an issue. After all, water has been a huge part of my life for …

Painting Persuasive Phrases and the Role of Rhetoric in the Visual Arts

Before we get onto more important things, lets quickly address compositional devices. There are rhetorical devices, and there are literary devices which if, or when, used in a persuasive way become rhetorical devices. There are some 40 to 50 easy to document and describe literary devices, many of which are not confined to the literary …